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Fun dinosaur activities to do at home

Make your own cool Pegosaurus!
More details from 7daysofplay

Dinosaur shadow drawing
Cool activity to encourage kids to put pen to paper...

Take out some dinosaur books from your local library
Fun trip to your local library, to nurture your child's special interest in dinosaurs...

Make your own fossils
Modelling clay is available from arts and craft shops and we buy ours from The Warehouse. You'll also need some shells or plastic...

Dino activities from American Natural History Museum:
Check out the kids' dinosaur activities from the American Natural History Museum, New York:

Free dinosaur colouring sheets
Lots of FREE dinosaur colouring pages for pencil, felt-tips or painting

Dino activities from the Natural History Museum, London
Lots of family dinosaur activities from NHM:

Bath time for dinosaurs!
Key task for any aspiring Dino Rangers is to give their dinos a good bath!

Pebble dinosaurs
Wash the pebbles and leave to dry. Apply layer(s) of paint on top of newspaper and wait to dry. Use a thick black marker to decorate with...

Create your own Dinosaur Island
This can be done outside or inside using a cardboard box. Use soil, sand, gravel, stones, bark, twigs, weeds, and leaves to create...

Dinosaur Footprints
Ideal for a rainy day. Create prehistoric tracks with footprints from your favourite dinosaurs.

Finger painting
Great art activity for very young dinosaur fans - why not create a herd of sauropods and stick them up on the wall?
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